Monthly Archives: June 2009

Next Reunion Meeting

After much confusion, we’re going to try have the next reunion meeting on Wednesday, July 1st at 6:30pm at EGF Legion  Please put the date on your calendar.

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Reunion Details

For thos who have not received the mailer yet or haven’t been able to view the invitation below here are the relevant details. East Grand Forks Senior High Class of ’79 – 30th Reunion What:     Drinks, Hors D’oeuvres and … Continue reading

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Reunion Mailer

Brian Pederson emailed me and mentioned that the date for the reunion wasn’t on the site.  I figured I should at least put a copy of the reunion mailer that went out on the web site for those who didn’t … Continue reading

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The first batch of mailings have gone out!

Thanks to Ros and Patty for getting their updates to the contact list in.  I took the 106 verified names and addresses and uploaded them along with the mailer design we reviewed last week and uploaded them to and … Continue reading

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