Reunion Details

For thos who have not received the mailer yet or haven’t been able to view the invitation below here are the relevant details.

East Grand Forks Senior High
Class of ’79 – 30th Reunion

What:     Drinks, Hors D’oeuvres and Dancing,  Live Band
When:    Friday July 31, 2009  6:00 PM – 1:00 AM
Where:   Valley Golf Course  2407 River Road, East Grand Forks, MN
Price:      $25.00 per person

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Reunion Mailer

Brian Pederson emailed me and mentioned that the date for the reunion wasn’t on the site.  I figured I should at least put a copy of the reunion mailer that went out on the web site for those who didn’t get it in the mail but have found the site.  If you want me to mail it to you go ahead and add a comment to the post with your mailing info like Karen (Bakken) Storey did so I can send out a copy.

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The first batch of mailings have gone out!

Thanks to Ros and Patty for getting their updates to the contact list in.  I took the 106 verified names and addresses and uploaded them along with the mailer design we reviewed last week and uploaded them to and they are in production now and should go out today.  Look for them in your mail.!

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Next Meeting

We’ll be meeting at Valley Golf Course next Thursday May 28th at Noon.  We would like to have as many addresses verified as possible since we will be sending out the invitations.  We will be reviewing the mailer at that time as well.


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Emails to Facebook and went out.

Today I sent out emails to classmates that are listed on Facebook and  They don’t make the emails directly available so if you were on both sites you may have received duplicate messages.  In either case, please register here so we can get your actual emails and other contact information so we can send out invitations.  Believe me, sending that many emails one by one on those sites is a pain and I’m not sure how many of them point to current email addresses.  I will continue to verify users as they register and then will set them up with mail, document and calendar accounts.


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Preparing for mailings.

We talked last week about using postcards to mail out the Invitations and to have a perforated reply card as an option. I have checked out several options and Click2Mail is a service that is endorsed by the USPS. It looks like an easy approach and not very expensive. I have attached a copy of their brochure for the Reply Mail products to this post. Take a look at it and we can discuss on Wednesday

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More contact information has been verified

Thanks to all who have been editing the Contact Information spreadsheet, we have managed to find almost half of our classmates. I have created two new pages for your review. One that lists classmates that we have found and what type of information we have on them without revealing the details and a second page that lists those classmates that we don’t have verified contact information on.

Classmates with verified contact information

Classmates with unverified contact information.

I also added a page with our deceased classmates.

In Memorium

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Added list to

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Meeting tonight at EGF Legion

Because the Eagles is not available tonnight, we’re having the meeting at the EGF Legion at 7:00. See you there.

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Contact List Updates

I have updated the contact list with all of the maiden names that I could gather from the books from the previous two reunions. Hopefully that’ll help in remembering who everyone is.

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