If you want to update the contact list you can just click on the documents link on the left sidebar of the web site and then login to using your username and password. It should show up in the shared documents folder of your documents. If it doesn’t check the email using the email link in the sidebar and click on the link in the email. For some reason, they aren’t always showing up without doing that. I’m looking into it but for now that seems to work.
If you don’t have an account, register on the web site using the link in the left sidebar and I’ll verify you and create you an email, documents and calendar account.
Also if you right click on a cell in the contact list you can add comments if there is information that you want to add to a row. I’ve started using that to leave clues that I find. You can tell which cells have the comments by looking for a red triangle in the coner of the cell. It will identify the user that made the comment and when they edited it. This should help as we collaborate on tracking the class down.